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Connect with Each Other

assisting-elderlyPowerful research shows that positive relationships are vitally important for our health and well-being. Maybe even more important than anything else we might do to stay healthy!  This is a great opportunity for faith communities to lead in promoting health. One of the most important things people can do for their health is what we practice and offer every day–loving and supportive relationships!

What is your house of worship already doing to foster positive relationships among your members and in the community?

  • Develop internal structures to make sure that people are connected with each other in positive relationships (Ex. Intergenerational programs, crisis support teams, small groups)
  • Offer programs that connect people in the congregation and community who need extra support. (Ex. AA meetings, Companioning, Respite Care, Support Teams, Bichor Holim, Stephen Ministry)
  • Build community partnerships to nurture relationships across the community (Ex. Participate in community networks, hold community dinners, host conversations about important issues affecting the community.)

If you are helping people connect with each other, your house of worship may be a Healthy Hotspot! Learn more here.

Let us know how you are doing this!

A joint project of Advocate Health Care & the OCEAN-HP at the University of Illinois at Chicago.